Medals & Coins, Arms & Armour - 27 Nov 2024


A Battle of Omdurman pair to confirmed charger and casualty Private T. Stevens, 21st Lancers:

£2,000 - £3,000 £3,780

A Battle of Omdurman pair to confirmed charger and casualty Private T. Stevens, 21st Lancers: Queen's Sudan Medal (3881 P'TE T. STEVENS 21/L'CRS.), engraved in serif capitals, very fine; Khedive's Sudan Medal, clasp: Khartoum (3881 PTE T. STEVENS 21ST LRS), engraved in plain capitals, very fine. [2]

(36mm diameter of first medal)

Private Stevens is confirmed as having charged with A squadron of his regiment at the Battle of Omdurman on the 2nd of September 1898, in which action he received a severe spear wound to the chest.

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