Medals & Coins, Arms & Armour - 25 May 2022
A fine early 18th century Austrian rifled flintlock holster pistol by Georg Keiser of Vienna
A fine early 18th century Austrian rifled flintlock holster pistol by Georg Keiser of Vienna, 20 bore swamped and sighted barrel with 'GEORG KEISER IN WIENN' inlaid in gold to a stepped section of the top rib, moulded and engraved decoration at the breech; well engraved lock, the plate with 'GEORG KEISER' below the pan and 'IN WIENN' behind the cock and further engraved with a cavalryman saluting a mounted officer before a group of tents set in a landscape, all other major major parts with foliate and geometric engraving, the swan-necked cock and the frizzen spring each with moulded leaf details - the latter terminating in a spray of leaves; well figured walnut full stock carved with scrolling foliage in low relief; scroll engraved brass furniture, the side plate displaying martial figures and a stand of arms with a village in the distance, the trigger guard with a female bust, heavy butt cap with long spurs, scrolling openwork cartouch to the wrist surmounted by a mask and with '1' engraved to a central oval; horn tipped wooden ram rod.