Medals & Coins, Arms & Armour - 23 Sep 2020
22nd (Cheshire) Regiment of Foot: medal for 14 years good conduct
22nd (Cheshire) Regiment of Foot: medal for 14 years good conduct, silver, 35.6mm, George III receives the medal from Colonel Crosby at Windsor, 'ESTABLISHED UNDER ROYAL SANCTION', ex. 1785, rev. 'ORDER OF MERIT 22ND REGIMENT/ REESTABLISHED BY COL: SIR: H: GOUGH 1ST JANUARY 1820', about extremely fine; together with: Tank Corps, a presentation medal, bronze, 56 mm, Mk V tank crossing a battlefield with a war plane and shells bursting overhead, rev. 'CENTRAL WORKSHOPS FRANCE', an arfificer strikes an anvil, the Tank Corps badge above, named in engraved capitals 'NOVEMBER 16TH 1918 SISTER L. BAIRD', good fine or a little better. [2]