Medals & Coins, Arms & Militaria - 19 Oct 2016
A scarce and interesting Fitzgerald patent flintlock signal trumpet
A scarce and interesting Fitzgerald patent flintlock signal trumpet, converted musket with private Ordnance proof marks and double bridle lock signed 'FOWLER', barrel truncated and fitted with a threaded brass collar to accept a brass and copper 'trumpet' with widely flaring mouth, walnut stock with brass furniture, trumpet with embossed plate bearing Royal Arms and the legend 'FITZGERALD PATENT SIGNAL TRUMPET SOLD BY APPOINTMENT THO CLIO RICKMAN', early 19th Century.
Willam Fitzgerald was granted English Patent No. 2288 in 1799 covering a system for converting guns to amplify their muzzle report, making small arms a more efficient alternative to cannon for signalling purposes or, as the patent specification states "in every case in which the increase ...of sound may be desired". The Board of Ordnance purportedly found that "with the charge of a musket cartridge, it is equal to a nine pounder" Thomas Clio Rickman was the sole retailer. References: Blackmore, 'Gunmakers of London'; 'Repertory of Patent Inventions', printed by John Nichols, Fleet Street, 1799.