Medals and Coins, Arms and Armour - 22 Jun 2021
Five British historical medals commemorating naval and military victories: Battle of Camperdown 1797
Five British historical medals commemorating naval and military victories: Battle of Camperdown 1797, AE, 38mm, bust of Admiral Duncan, rev. Britannia seated with laurels and a lion (E 887), nearly extremely fine; Battle of the Nile/ Entry of Ferdinand IV into Rome 1798, AE, 38mm, Victory seated with a lion in front of a Pyramid holding a medallion of Nelson, rev. shield and fouled anchor (E 892, Hardy 8), good very fine; Naval Action off Tory Island 1798, WM, 38mm, bust of Admiral Warren, rev. a naval engagement, 'THE SISTER COUNTRY AGAIN RESCUED FROM INVASION' (E 896), near very fine; British Victories 1798, AE, 48mm, bust of George III left, rev. Britannia surrounded by martial trophies holding Victory, by C.H. Küchler (E 897), good very fine or better; Siege of Acre 1799, WM, 41mm, bust of Admiral Sir Sidney Smith left, rev. a lion defends a camel from a tiger, by G. Mills/ N.G.A. Brenet (E 906), near very fine; all by T. Wyon Sr. unless otherwise stated. [5]