Medals and Coins, Arms and Armour - 22 Jun 2021
Six British Educational medals: Christ's Hospital Marker's Prize
Six British Educational medals: Christ's Hospital Marker's Prize, AR, 35mm, crowned bust of Edward VI right, rev. an open bible, 'HEAR READ MARK LEARN', edge incribed (WILLIAM ORMES 1802), by L. Pingo (E 29), good very fine or better; City of London School 1834, AE, 58mm, facade of the school, rev. Knowledge instructs a youth (E 1279), extremely fine; Department of Science and Arts Queen's Medal 1856, AE, 55mm, Victoria's head left, rev. six lines of text commencing 'NATIONAL MEDAL' (variant of E 1511), nearly extremely fine; Mason Science College 1880, AE, 51mm, bust of Sir Josiah Mason right, rev. facade of the college (E 1670), minor knocks and verdigris, otherwise extremely fine; Sunday School Centenary Wales 1885 (2), AE, 44mm, one each of the Welsh and English versions (E 1713), minor dents, extremely fine. [6]