Medals and Coins, Arms and Armour - 22 Jun 2021
Three medals to Sergeant C. (or G.) Blake
Three medals to Sergeant C. (or G.) Blake, Hampshire Regiment: British South Africa Company Medal, Rhodesia 1896 reverse, clasp: Mahonaland 1897 (3757 CORPL. G. BLAKE. 2/HAMPS. REGT.), possible correction to number, very fine and toned; Queen's South Africa, 1st type (b), clasps: Cape Colony, Paardeberg, Transvaal (3757 SGT. C. BLAKE, 2ND HAMPSHIRE REGT.), good very fine with clear ghost dates, official alteration to regimental number; King's South Africa Medal, two dated clasps (3757 SERJT: C. BLAKE. HAMPSHIRE. REGT), good very fine.
The coincidence of battalion and service number suggest that the discrepancy in initials is an error originating in the rolls. Roll for BSA Co Medal indicates service with the mounted infantry.