Medals & Coins, Arms & Armour - 01 May 2019
Five medals to Warrant Officer 2nd class T.M. Elliott
Five medals to Warrant Officer 2nd class T.M. Elliott, Royal Scots Fusiliers: British War Medal 1914-20, Victory Medal (240004 SJT. T.M. ELLIOTT. R.S. FUS.); Jubilee Medal 1935; Territorial Efficiency Medal (24004 SJT. T.M. ELLIOTT. 4-R. SCOTS.); Efficiency Medal (Territorial), George V (3124377 W.O.CL. II T.M. ELLIOTT. 4-5 R.S. FUS.), the first four mounted for wearing; together with an associated group of Second World War Medals: 1939-45 Star, Africa Star, France and Germany Star, Defence Medal, War Medal 1939-45; also with a Royal Scots Fusiliers side cap and two badges.