Furniture, Works of Art and Clocks - 03 Apr 2019
A George I walnut bureau cabinet
A George I walnut bureau cabinet, the broken arch cornice centred with an Ionic capital carved with leaves and husks, above a pair of doors inset with later arched mirror plates, enclosing a fitted interior, with eleven cross and feather banded drawers flanking a central concave cupboard door, the interior with two drawers, with architectural pilasters and three large pigeonholes, above a pair of candle-slides, the hinged fall revealing seven further drawers, one with divisions for inkwells, above four long graduated drawers, on later bracket feet, with an ivorine trade label for 'S. & H. Jewell, 131-2, High Holborn, London, W.C.1.', 230.7cm high, 104.5cm wide, 60.5cm deep.