Furniture, Works of Art and Clocks - 03 Apr 2019
A rare Charles II band sampler
A rare Charles II band sampler, worked with coloured silk on a linen ground with long-armed cross, double-running, satin and detached buttonhole stitches with bands of flowers, pineapples and with 'boxer figures' with raised trailing strands of silk hanging from their heads, possibly representing periwigs, interspersed with urns of flowers, undated but mid- to late 17th century, 51 x 21.5cm in a later glazed gilt frame.
Ex. Dr. Goodhart Collection.
Purchased by the current vendor from Mallett.
The Property of a Gentleman.
See Clare Brown and Jennifer Wearden, Samplers from the Victoria and Albert Museum, p.57, pl. 30 for a similar example.