Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy 字畫 - 13 Nov 2018
ZHAO SHAO ANG (1905-1998) MAGPIES AND BAMBOO A Chinese painting
趙少昂(1905-1988) 喜鵲翠竹 設色紙本 鏡框
ZHAO SHAO ANG (1905-1998)
A Chinese painting, ink and colour on paper, inscribed and signed by Zhao Shao Ang with four artist's seals, dated summer of xin hai year (1971), framed and glazed, 117cm x 53cm.
Provenance: from the collection of Li Fook Kow (d.2011) and Edith Li (d.1992), purchased in the 1970s in Hong Kong.
Magpies are always auspicious symbols, the birds of good fortune and love. The first character for the name of the bird, xi que, has the same sound as xi, 'happiness'. Magpies are also a symbol for the wish for a happy marriage, success at examinations and for getting rich.