Fine Chinese Works of Art & Paintings - 24 May 2023



£10,000 - £20,000 £58,000


The sweeping crest rail terminating in outswept hooks above horseshoe-shaped arms, forming an elegant curve above the splat, extensively carved in high relief with mountainous landscapes, the reverse of the splat inscribed with a poem by Zhang Dai (1597-1624), with one artist's seal. Above the seat framework are four panels, tuosai, with plum blossom and bamboo motifs, the rectangular rattan seat above four carved legs with makara feet raised on an open framed footrest. The seat is surrounded by four carved panels decorated with the Three Friends of Winter, and the front panel depicting Zhang Dai living in seclusion with his two attendants, each corner of the panel with metal loop mounts for carriage bars, 97cm x 66cm x 48cm.

Provenance: from the collection of Mrs Mevrouw M Sergant, bought from Hamadi Oriental Art, The Netherlands. Previously in the collection of Mr Arie Mullieu, Amsterdam. A copy of the invoice is available.

A jianyu (sedan chair) was commonly used by the emperors, princes and nobles as transport for short journeys between buildings in the great palaces. According to the Mirror of Craftsmanship and Guidelines by Lu Ban, Chinese sedan chairs come in different types, this particular one is called a Yajiao shi.

Zhang Dai (1597-1624) was a famous late Ming dynasty historian and writer, he was born to a noble family and well educated with poetic aesthetic tastes, however he never passed the Imperial examinations to serve the Ming court, his hometown was destroyed with the fall of the Ming dynasty. Reluctant to serve the invader, he decided to live in seclusion with his two attendants, one depicting holding a qin, and the other an ewer, which is explained in the poem.

Cf. The Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum: Furniture of the Ming and Qing Dynasties (I), Hong Kong, p.36, no.22 for a closely related sedan chair.


十七世紀 黃花梨牙轎式肩輿
來源:M Sergant女士收藏, 購於Hamadi Oriental Art (附發票複印件)。阿姆斯特丹Arie Mullieu先生舊藏。

肩輿,為古時一種作為行山的交通工具,後來發展成皇帝或達官貴人在皇宮內行走的方式。肩輿不設帷幔,冬季蓋紫貂於坐上,夏季則用緞墊。據《魯班經家鏡》中描繪:“牙轎式:宦家明轎椅(圖源於《魯班經家境》p.162)”。王世襄先生在《明式家具研究》中也同樣有提到明代牙轎式的解析, 其上部於圈椅相同,有靠背及扶手,但坐面之上有高束腰及托腮,另有四個環用以嵌抬桿。由於肩與為出行時乘坐用具,所以存世不多。故宮博物院藏一件於此拍品極其相似的皇家黃花梨肩輿(《故宮文物院藏文物珍品全集:明清家具(上)》,p.34),以供參考。



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