Fine Chinese Paintings & Works of Art - 12 Nov 2019


ZHAO SHAO'ANG (1905-1998) MAGPIES AND WISTERIA A Chinese watercolour painting

趙少昂(1905-1998) 喜鵲紫藤 設色紙本 鏡框

£1,000 - £2,000 £7,200

ZHAO SHAO'ANG (1905-1998)


A Chinese watercolour painting, ink and colour on paper, inscribed, signed Zhao Shao'ang, with two artist's seals, together with a book about the artist. ,94cm x 43cm. (2)

Provenance: from the collection of Professor George Ian Scott. Professor Scott (1907-1989) was a famous ophthalmic surgeon who worked at the Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh. He was sent to Middle East as a consultant ophthalmologist for the Middle East Forces. Then he became the president of the Royal College of Surgeons in Edinburgh. In 1965, Professor Scott was appointed as the Queen's oculist in Scotland. He was also the founder of the Princess Alexandra Eye Pavilion in Edinburgh.

The inscription on the right says the painting was given to Chen Jinghong as a gift for enjoyment. Chen Jinghong (1903-1993) was an important Hong Kong calligrapher, and very close friend to Zhao Shao'ang. In 1987, he was given an award by the Queen for his excellent achievements.

趙少昂(1905-1998) 喜鵲紫藤 設色紙本 鏡框
來源:George Ian Scott醫生收藏(1907-1989)。Scott醫生生前是愛丁堡皇家醫院的眼科手術醫師,並曾擔任女皇在蘇格蘭時期的眼科醫生。

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