Arts of Africa, Oceania and the Americas - 20 Sep 2023


An Inca knife tumi

£300 - £500 £300

An Inca knife tumi
Peru, circa 1438 - 1532
cast bronze with a llama finial,
7.2cm high,
an Inca cast brass tumi, depicting a figure with a jaguar head finial, 8.7cm high, an Inca cast bronze condor mount, 2.7cm high, a Moche cast bronze atlatl thumbpiece, with a jaguar head terminal, 3.2cm high, a Moche cast brass spatula, with a bird finial, 8.37cm long, a Moche cast copper tumi, with a figure finial wearing a headdress and holding a staff, 13cm high, and six metal ornaments, including a set of tweezers, a feline, a trumpet shape pendant, a disc bead, incised linear scrolls, a finial with a head and bells, and a sphere. (12)

Romy Rey Collection, London.

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