An Isle of Pines shell bag
An Isle of Pines shell bag, finely woven fibre with bat's hair and grass tassels, with plaited straps, 24cm wide, with hand written label 'A young ladys shell bag.....Isle of Pines, October 10th 1853, Her only article of clothing.' and another handwritten label stating the same and 'The Honble Mrs Hope, 78 Glen Park Gardens, S.W,' and Isle of Pines comb, with incised decoration to the front, the reverse with hand written label 'Hair comb worn by the Men, Isle of Pines, October 1853,' an Isle of Pines arm ornament of flying fox hair and shells, with handwritten label 'Arm ornament worn by the men, Isle of Pines, Octr 1853, Made from the hair of flying fox,' and another handwritten label and section of shell, dated 'October 1853.' (4)
Captain the Hon. Louis Hope (1817 - 1894) and thence by descent.